"Set the gear shift to the high gear of your soul" and learn about Ian Kennedy – a man who was recently in all his glory as he watched his favorite band Phish play in the new Merriweather Post Pavillion among a crazed crowd of music lovers.
A lover of all things arts and culture as the Director of the Downtown Columbia Arts and Culture Commision, Ian gets to play a lot of roles as he leads the team charged with more Arts and Culture for all Marylanders.
Ian walks us through the process of getting the improvements to Merriweather approved and funded – not as easy as you might think given the fact that nearly everyone that goes to Merriweather comes out with a smile on their face. I know last week at the Phish concerts that was certainly the case.
Let's pile on the glory for a man who has fought hard for the enrichment of Arts, Culture and Musical for Marylanders that come from all over for the opportunity to enjoy the amazing amenities that Downtown Columbia has to offer.
Thanks Ian for all you are doing, your work is so important...Let it shine let it shine!