Rachel Monroe
October 18, 2022

Rev. Al and I couldn't be more pleased to welcome the amazing Rachel Monroe. Knott only is she Holy, she's a superstar, and to have her in the Advanced Indoor Resources Podcast Center was a real Mitzvah for both of us.

This weekend and for the next week Rachel will lead a group of some of Maryland's best to Israel for an experience that is second to none. I have been, and it's an incredible journey to an incredible place with incredible people... led by an incredible woman and the great people at the Weinberg Foundation.

As a leader of one of the largest Jewish Foundations on the planet Rachel leads over 60 people in offices in Baltimore, and Honolulu. The Foundation provides annual grants in excess 150 million across the country with a high concentration in Baltimore, Honolulu and Israel.

We talk Foundation stuff but we also got a chance to get to know Rachel, an incredible wife and mother of three, who got her start as an organizer at the PTA. Rachel and her family like to work hard but they also like to play hard....and have fun!

Proud of her team at the Foundation, she talks about what changed and what didn't during COVID and how her incredible team leveled up and did even more.

The Foundation stays focused on alleviating poverty by providing grants in five area's including housing, health, jobs, education, and community services.

Guided by the words of Harry Weinberg...

"While others are solving the ills of the world someone will be hungry someone will be sick someone will be cold, that is our job"

Thanks Rachel, for being you, for all of your hard work. We join you in being thankful for your Board and your teams hard work as the Harry and Jeanette Foundation continues to invest in our local non profits making Baltimore a better place every day.....

The Great Dr. Rev. Al Hathaway (He's Holy) and Martin G. Knott Jr (I'm Knott) bring forward special guests to talk about amazing things that are happening throughout the great city of Baltimore. We will be operating without a net and talking about everything under the sun. Who can stop what must arrive now, something new is waiting to be born!