James Piper Bond
May 27, 2022

Rev. Al and I couldn't be more excited to welcome this inspirational leader to the Advanced Indoor Resources Podcast Center. James Bond and the Living Classrooms Foundation are an important part of the fabric of the local non profit community.  He is one of the founders of this great organization that teaches by allowing people to learn through hands on experiences. Learning by doing...Learning by doing, Learning by doing...

James takes us back pre-Living Classrooms and talks about his journey all over the world and how that shaped him for this position. James has a vision for a better BALTIMORE and he fills us in on all that going on at LCF including  workforce, re-entry, housing, poverty, schools and how assembling a team around him to ensure the trains are running on time is some of his finest works.  Another great talk with a man on a mission..James Piper Bond.

Listen in.....Everybody's Dancing....

The Great Dr. Rev. Al Hathaway (He's Holy) and Martin G. Knott Jr (I'm Knott) bring forward special guests to talk about amazing things that are happening throughout the great city of Baltimore. We will be operating without a net and talking about everything under the sun. Who can stop what must arrive now, something new is waiting to be born!